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Show of Hands

Show of Hands

Category: gifts & accessories

Location: 250 Columbine St #145, Denver, CO 80206

Phone: (303) 399-0201

Website: www.showofhandsdenver.com 

Reasons we love this locally owned business: Everytime we walk in the store the bright colors and the unique art always make us smile- as does the store owner Katie, who loves her customers like family.  The shop is our go-to for finding unique gifts for our friends and family.  Don’t forget to say hi to Millie, the shop dog, who is usually basking in the sun greeting you as you walk in!

Our top picks: The yard art selection is incredible and we’ve been known to give the Peace Poles to just about every family member and friend that has a yard!



Work With Luke

Luke is an expert in his profession and is known in the industry for the genuine care that he provides to his clients. His top priority is understanding his client’s goals, then delivering results that exceed their expectations.

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